Tuesday, June 30, 2009

Some more of what I think

I just got back from the doctors and besides it being "Bring Your Kids To The Doctor Day"(OK, so I was there with mine too), it always astounds me how some people, usually the ones in front of me, can take so friggin' long in there. What are they doing? OK, I know that when you get to be 90million years old you are bound to have health issues, but I'm convinced some of these people visit the doctors as an excuse to get out and about for a jolly old chinwag. Because if they're not already in there chatting with the doctor, they're jawing with each other in the waiting room, they're leaning on the reception counter yakking away, standing in the way of anyone who wants to just sign the bloody medicare thing and get the hell out of there. And they have the nerve to post signs to keep your kid's quiet and under control. Have you ever tried to mind your own business and read the "Kid's Say The Darndest Things" or "Life's Like That" section of a 1998 Readers Digest, when two half deaf old cobbers are having a conversation across the room to each other about the nature of a thier respective prostate problems? Gawd, give me strength!

This could be part of the reason I can't wait to get in there, to see the doctor. In any case, I can't see why it's necessary for me to be in there any longer than need be. I know what I'm there for - Bam! I'm out again. Bin-go ban-go, just like that. Plus I don't want to be around long enough to find out if there's anything wrong with me. Like, I can just imagine, you're at the doctor, almost at the door and he/she says something ominous like 'How long have you had that mole?' and start throwing around terms like, BIOPSY or MALIGNANT and I'm sorry - they're not words I need to hear in relation to myself. Sure, it might mean I die in some horribly painful fashion but I don't see any reason to push my luck.

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