Friday, June 19, 2009


Dudes. Serial. Am I the only motherfucker here? Have my posts stunned you all into silence? I mean, I'd like to believe that, with me being so smart and all, but FFS, get your shit together.

So, I'm totally reading the paper yesterday (as I am wont to do, pretty much all the time...) and I see that Judy Moran has been bail refused due to, amongst other things, her disturbing proximity to a lot of dead guys, and I have to question...

Does she have a hotline to the people making the Underbelly series?

...cause (and I'm just putting it out there...) it seems to me, as a bystander, if you wanted to get some more money from the less *ahem* selective amongst our media outlets, or wanted a new miniseries to be up all on the boil, you might, MAYBE, get your shit all up in some new scandal / underworld stuff / head-being-blown-off-a-kind-of-lame-ass-half-baked-crook -kinda thing?

Do you think though that if you DID do that, you might NOT have evidence of it in your HOUSE? Like, the clothes they were allegedly wearing, or shotguns, or other incriminating stuff? And I have to say, I'm only getting this from (my dear friends) the tabloids (who strangely seem to have an insight into search warrants and the like...), but did she really think that she was that untouchable? And can you even IMAGINE how many budding Bea Smith's there are waiting to take her on in the big house?

One can only speculate what else was in the house, as the damn thing burned down after she was taken into custody. Yes. Burned down. Mysteriously.

Even I could write that script, 'cause frankly, my hardest job would be finding the people to play the roles. And god knows, Neighbours is about to go into the off season, and there'll be plenty of junior Aussie actors just champing at the bit for some crazy dramatic action... I mean, if Matthew Newton can do it, it's pretty much a given that anyone else can...

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