Monday, June 22, 2009

I Wonder If Roberta Williams Is Single?

So much angst from Kate! Makes me feel like tying on the old flanno and breaking out my old grunge records. Ok, I don't have that many left really - all the best things from that era died like.....well, Chris Cornell's career or Pearl Jam's musical credibility. Lol, sounds like a Calvin Klein fragrance! And you all thought I was gonna reference Kurt Kablaam there didn't you?

I wasn't really that familiar with the Melbourne "Underworld War" being that I missed most of the first series of Underbelly and lived in a different state while it was happening, which pretty much means that anything of note happening in a different state is belittled or ignored by most media outlets. Like, our crime is SO much better or something.
So ok, I ordered a few books on the subject through my local library (or 'House of Nerd' as a friend of mine likes to say). First one to come in was My Story, the (auto)biography of Judy Moran. Let me say this; it was shite. From the first look at the cover, a shot of ol'Jude that could have ONLY come from 'Exclusive Photography' - y'know those glam shots with the soft focus lens doing favours for ordinary heads such as hers - I thought they'd given me the wrong book! It looks like a bloody romance novel or some such! Then, after putting up with the tedious story of her young life, which I had NO interest in, I had to put up with vague recollections of her (so she says) good boys, her sons Mark and Jason. I mean REALLY. Judy Moran claimed that she had NO IDEA what her sons did and she was just a normal suburban housewife.
A housewife who's 2 ex-partners and 2 sons were all gunned down. If that's the normal life of good people, then please I'm asking all the good people - STAY THE FUCK AWAY FROM ME!

Ok, I wanted to read about the blood and guts stuff. I'm a simple man like that. Just a meat and potatoes type of guy.

So yeah, I have to say I found it interesting, hilarious and bewildering when I heard that Des 'Tuppence' Moran had (also) been gunned down in public only last week. Interesting because I don't recall old Judy mentioning him in the book at all - mind you, I was asleep through most of it. Bewildering that anyone should still be alive anyway with a nickname like Tuppence. Hilarious when I heard poor old innocent Judy Moran had been arrested in connection to the slaying.

When our dear KateMac says she could write it better, you better believe she's not kidding. The thing is, if you were a fiction writer, let's say oh, I don't know a CRIME fiction writer and you turned in the exact same story as a work of fiction, you would be told where you could file it in no uncertain terms.

And Kate - if you'd have cared to do your research you would discover that it's not the use of Neighbours off season actors; the casting agent simply went to the 'Obscure Former Soapie Stars' file (actually just a stack of old TV Week's) under the heading 'Will Act For Food' and BAM!!! They found Dieter Brummer.

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