Tuesday, June 09, 2009

Grimshaw gains my respect.

Ok, let me start by saying, I've never been a big fan of Tracy Grimshaw. In fact, I've been no fan at all. But I have to say, while searching in vain for something decent to watch in the timeslot (ACA airs at 7pm where I am), I happened upon good ol' Grimshaw opening up her show with what at first sounded like anything else I hear on that show (or it's Ch7 equivalent) - yet another one sided response to a story already aired. Those shows can be like talkback radio - they always get the last word.

So anyway, I've been doing a bit of work on my negative behaviours lately, in particular Disliking People For No Real Reason. Tracy Grimshaw falls firmly into that category for me and I've no idea why I don't like her - she's really no worse than anyone else in the genre, I must admit. So, I gave what she had to say a listen.

At first I had no idea (because I tuned in late) who she was referring to; who the subject was about, nor who the offended party was. For all I knew she could have been reading a letter of reply from some other random person who had been misrepresented by the show. But as I listened I became drawn into what was obviously a very personal response to someone who had offended her - which as I said before can be par for the course for these shows - whip them with a stinging barb, from afar, and after the fact. Eventually it became clear who she was referring to - Gordon Ramsay.

Now I don't watch Gordon Ramsay's shows - it's not that I'm anti-reality show, nor am I particularly offended by the man. I just figure he's behaving like any other head chef, except he's on tv. And as I also mentioned, I'm trying to turn over a new leaf - not be such a 'hater' - as I believe the kids these days are calling it (if 'these days' means 10 years ago...).
To the credit of Ms.Tracy Grimshaw, what she said, although obviously carefully drafted, was sincere and honest. I liked the way she was completely upfront about how it made her feel and why she felt slighted by Ramsay's double standard. I had to agree with a lot of what she said and as far as Gordon Ramsay goes - if you are going to live by the sword, old mate, you gotta risk dying by it too.

You can check it out here -

I'm just saying is all....... ;)

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