Friday, March 13, 2009

Say Goodbye to Sexy Times

Well this guy won't be getting any for quite some time methinks...some British wag has 'put his wife up for sale' after she nagged him once too often...brilliant move mate! That will endear you to the missus!

"Nagging Wife. No Tax, No MOT. Very high maintenance - some rust," wrote Gary Bates, 38, in a small ad in Trade-It, more usually used to buy and sell cars or household goods.

Oh you cheeky thing Gary!! The story has the whiff of bullshit about it however, as evidenced by the final line of the story...any fan of the politically incorrect Brit comic Viz will recognise this as one of their catch phrases on the bogus 'Letters to the Editor' page:

"But he said: "She's seen the funny side of it now, though!"

I'd be suprised if this whole story wasn't pulled straight from Viz actually. Must be a slow news day...

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