Tuesday, March 03, 2009

Brisbane or Bust

I just read a very entertaining article by Augusten Burroughs from the most recent 'Weekend Australian' magazine. It was a rare ode to our oft-derrided northern capital, Brisbane, and even more notable coming as it did from a New Yorker. Imagine that if you will - a New Yorker expounding the virtues of this shiny ingenue of a city, described by many southerners as scarcely more than a jumped-up country town! Perhaps us southerners need to head north for a bit of a fresh look, and pull our heads out of our arses on the way...

My very favourite quote occurs at the end of the piece, and had me laughing out loud as I sat here at work trying to look otherwise gainfully occupied:

"Brisbane is Cindy Crawford sitting on the porch reading a book, while plump older sister Sydney tap-dances on the sidewalk in a leotard that's too tight, hoping a talent agent drives by. Melbourne is the moody, black-haired sister lurking behind the tree with her volume of Sylvia Plath poems, making smartarse notes in her notebook and unable to decide which is worse: beauty or ambition."

BWAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA...and it's funny because it's true! I sent this onto a couple of my work colleagues, one of whom responded with "Melbourne's an EMO?!?" The only truthful response I could make as one who has now spent significant amounts of time living in all three cities was that yes, Melbourne is DEFINITELY an Emo.

Sorry about that Melbourne!!

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