Wednesday, March 11, 2009

Half Assed

I've got several half-written pieces waiting to be finished and posted, but my keyboard is having one of its regular spack attacks and i'm lucky to get a few sentences out of the bastard thing without having to resort to a carefully choreographed routine of shaking it violently, wrenching out the USB stick and shoving it back in, shouting at it a bit, rolling the batteries back and forth "to wake them up", waving my hands over it in a faux-voodoo curse sort of way (it's pretty dumb so i'm sure it won't know the difference) shouting at it again for good measure, and then attempting to type again. AND STILL I am faced with line after line of gibberish looking something like "ssop ffr tttttth,wrtee o ooncce direxc.? WLKLaaa" That's a whole paragraph according to my keyboard by the way. Fucking wireless piece of crap.

So until I can manage to successfully point the bone at my keyboard and make it comply with my requests, I offer up this priceless example of sensitivity from the King of Crazy himself, Robert Mugabe. His delivering part of the eulogy at Susan Tsvangirai's funeral not only smacked of breathtaking insensitivity (a concept that admittedly hasn't bothered him too much in the past), but to then declare the crash that caused her death/murder as "the hand of God" at work really is just all kinds of fucked up.

I wonder did the hand of God then saunter over and extend itself to one of her six children, comforting them over their terrible loss??? Not that it would have bothered him but I guess it's a bonus that he could say this with a straight face AND convincingly pass a lie detector test afterward, as clearly this messianic nutbag has believed himself to be God for quite some time.

Where is an assassin's bullet when you need one?

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