Monday, March 09, 2009

Music To My Ears

Being an old lady, I don't get as much exposure to new music as I once did, which is why i'm totally in love with I LISTEN TO EVERYTHING, a fabulous new blog by Diana Miller, who works as a music booker for a late night talk show in the US. As someone who gets a little intimidated by the choice on offer whenever I attempt to buy CDs, so much so that I often leave with nothing (pathetic, I know) this site is a fantastic way to trawl through the incredible amount of great music out there, and hone in on anything that particularly takes your fancy.

The site doesn't just focus on the new stuff either - it's peppered with interesting resurrections of the oldies, from ubiquitous classics through to totally obscure artists and songs just waiting to be re-discovered. Her playlists are really varied and i'm having fun just going through them song by song, never having heard most of them before anyway, new or old. I must admit, even though i'd classify myself as a music lover in a general sense, my personal back catalogue leaves a lot to be desired, so this is my fabulous new passport to hipdom, kids. CHECK IT!

There are links provided so you can purchase the songs on iTunes, but i've discovered alot of them are not yet available in Australia...can't say i'm really bothered by this as i've never purchased a song or album on iTunes anyway! For me, this site is just a fantastic way to become familiar with music i've never heard before, and artists that would never have been on my radar otherwise, so I actually know what i'm looking for next time I go shopping for music.

And let's face i'm getting on in years, I can use all the help I can get.

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