Saturday, June 13, 2009


You know what shits me? People.

Specifically, at this point in time, people who say things like, "Crime is so bad. Why would you report anything to the police, though? They never do anything!"

You know WHY, dickhead? Because you don't report it. And oddly, whatever else they may be accused of, the police aren't psychic. They can't even start to fix stuff if they don't know about it.

Yeah, yeah, I've heard it all before...blah blah "corrupt" blahh blah "revenue raising" blah blah "go catch the real crooks". You're BORING. Just don't break the law, it's not hard. We don't live in a terrible place. The rules are not overly restrictive, and whilst you may not agree with them all, they are the price we pay for a relatively ordered society. It's called the social contract theory. Go look it up.

You know what else helps? When people like Miranda Devine write ill informed pieces like this.

No. That's fine, you pompous bitch. Police are putting their emotional, physical and spiritual well-being on the line every single day for ingrates like you, and you have the hide to spew out dross like this. Because YOU'D have the slightest idea what it's like to work in an underfunded, understaffed, under-appreciated, but utterly essential organisation which comes under constant criticism from people with no fucking clue, wouldn't you? Everyone's an armchair expert.

Easy to criticise when you don't have to go out and actually do the job, isn't it?


Rant concluded.

1 comment:

Melanie said...

god I am sooo glad to read this blog - I have never once responded to anything said on the internet by leaving comments - ever - not even when I am goaded by Out Of Context Sheik spin doctors, however, this blog quotes almost verbatim an argument I have with people almost on a weekly basis! it shits me to tears when people talk about FIXED speed cameras - I mean seriously - sure its revenue raising and you know how you could "beat them at their own game" - thats right, when you see the tenth friggin sign announcing one - stop breaking the law and slow down. I am constantly amazed at peoples INDIGNATION that the government came up with a plan to catch them breaking the law. I mean what are we fucking convicts!........ oh hang on......

Just love the clear vision between why we get to live in a pretty good place - because someone else is dealing with most the shit - police.

either way - LOVE ur work on this one - ur a funny lad