Thursday, June 25, 2009


Two things today from the "No Shit" file.

Firstly, this:


Was there anyone who hadn't already worked this out? Come ON. I mean, just listen to the opening ... bit. I'm not that clever on the musical terms front, okay?

Second, and this really made me chuckle:

No shit, you TOOL.

Anyone who's ever had a tattoo knew you were making this shit up, KIMBERLEY. (IF that is in fact your REAL name... liar!) There's fucking Bandido's out there who couldn't "doze off" during a facial tattooing session! How did you think anyone would believe that an 18 year old Belgian housewife was gonna do it?

Although, if I had a dollar for every time I was misunderstood by a Flemish speaking tattooist...

Belgians. They're a strange lot.

As proof, I give you ... Tintin.

'nuff said.


Ruth said...

Yeah ok look I had never worked it out, but now
I can't see past vegemite sandwiches for
gum trees.

katemac said...

That's my girl! See? It's totally there!