Wednesday, June 10, 2009

The Kung Fu Mafia Killed Hong Kong Phooey Too!

Ever wondered what happened to Hong Kong Phooey? No, it wasn't a matter of poor ratings - on the contrary; perhaps HKP was just a little TOO popular - perhaps the Kung Fu Mafia got to him as well.....

As far as I'm aware (if movies and unauthorised biographies haven't lied to me), the T.V. series Kung Fu was actually developed for and with Bruce Lee, with the whole idea that he play the lead. In fact I believe it was originally Lee's concept. The story goes that Bruce Lee went overseas to shoot one of his awesome movies and when he returned, the producers had cast David Carradine as the wandering asian kung fu master.

Apparantly they thought Lee was "too asian" looking for American audiences. Mind you, it didn't seem to matter so much when they cast Lee as Kato in The Green Hornet T.V. series as he wore a mask most of the time.

So I'm wondering....maybe it was the ghost of Bruce Lee seeking revenge on Carradine for usurping the role that (might have) made Lee marginally more famous than he already is.

The REAL question is - maybe Carradine is not really dead? Maybe he's living in a Kung Fu Commune with Bruce and Brandon Lee, planning the final takedown of Chuck Norris? I mean, it sounds plausible right? They could be living just down the road from Elvis, Jim Morrison and Tupac.

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