Thursday, July 02, 2009

From The House of GRRRRRR.....

Lady GaGa. LMAO. I'm quite sure I don't know what the appeal is. For starters, her face is weirdly proportioned - I find her a bit off putting to look at; it's like there's something not quite right there but I'm not sure what it is. Her image confuses me - it's like Prince and Madonna had sex in 1985 with the guy from Cameo and Lady Gaga is what they produced. I'm SO sick of the assumption that slutty is sexy. It's not. It's just cheap and nasty and I'm no conservative. I suppose it's just too easy to be slutty looking - not so easy to be sexy. Those who have it, do it effortlessly - like Queen Latifah. She's sexy!
And musically, shit well you just have to look at how many singles they have released in such a short space of time and it ain't because they're all that good. It's is, simply put, adequate and average pop music. I mean if not her, it would be being spewed forth by some other person. But record labels aren't stupid. Greedy, but not stupid.
The real reason for the Glut of Gaga is that the labels are all too aware how fickle the music market is, especially pop music. If they don't strike while the iron is hot, they could potentially lose out on all those awesome $$$. Artists like Lady Gag-Me-With-A-Spoon are so disposable; so easily replaced but always, inevitably touted as THE NEXT BIG THING. They saturate the public through the media under the guise of TNBT but really it's about making hay while the sun shines.....whatever that means. ;)

Don't believe me?

Remember Vanessa Carlton? Vonda Shepard? Norah Jones?
Yeah - of course you do (I'm being overly generous here). Can you name they're latest hit? No you can't.

But those girls were not pop, more like navel-gazing 'serious' composition types. But I can go there.
Nick Lachey? Nick Carter? Jessica Simpson? 5ive? Vengaboys? Scott Cain?

Oh shit, I think I just keeled over laughing at that last one. But seriously - I had a hard time coming up with all those examples. Why? Because they are gone and forgotten but I still bet they all had die-hard fans who had them up on an inflated pedestal. OK, maybe not Scott Cain.

All i'm saying is before long Lady Gaga will be filling up the discount CD bins alongside other NEXT BIG THING's such as Baha Men, Eamon, Unkle Kracker and The Rembrandts.


katemac said...

But... I LIKE Lady Gaga! I'm not ashamed of my sometimes ... questionable taste in music. Sometimes you just want to listen to fluff. Like Pussycat Dolls. Or Kelly Clarkson (!!). It doesn't make me a retard! Sometimes I just don't WANT to think!

And that's what LGG is FOR, darling!

Robstar said...

Yeah, but it's also what the $10 cd bins are for too. At least the Pussycat Dolls are easy on the eye, even if they are - in reality - just Nicole Shezererezinger(!)'s backup dancers.
She's not right - you can't make me say she is!lol I don't know why but whenever I see her (it's nothing to do with the tunes really) I end up with a foul taste in my mouth - maybe like I ate a cockroach.