Thursday, July 23, 2009

The Timely Demise Of Bridget Parker (Or Why TV Has Been Good To Me Lately)

Couldn't be happier that Bridget Parker is dead. Yeah that's right. I watch Neighbours.

I feel alright about it but, I'm not ashamed - especially when you compare it to pus like Home & Away. Not sure what it is about Summer Bay, but their ratio of good looking people to the ordinary heads (I'm thinking of YOU, Alf Stewart!) is off the map. Look at the English soaps. Hard to do, I know, for the simple reason that obviously appearance is not highly rated as a requirement for making it on the telly. Have you seen the collection of crones on those shows? My only real fear is that they DID pick the good looking ones - sort of makes me not want to go to England and find out. That, and the fact that it's almost as full of Poms as any Australian backpackers.

Let's get back to Bridget, or 'Didge' as she was also known. No offence to the girl who played her but seriously, she needs to watch some footage of herself. What the hell is with that expression? Angry, confused, dying, in love or in labour, that hangdog expression got a fair workout. It has to be the most vacant look I have seen since Baywatch went off the air. (Off the air - what is this the 50's???)
"Bridget you're pregnant/dying/getting married/grounded/you're assignments late/you're stupid kangaroo needs to be euthanised" and there was that same look like she has a small computer in her brain desperately trying to analyse the information. A small, slow computer. I reckon she might want to address that.


Unknown said...

I missed that whole dream sequence thingy, where she was going into the light and shit because I was on the phone to my sister. It was on the telly, but with the sound down and all I could see was that retarded face she makes all the time.

Not sad she's gone. Compared to Madge or Helen? Pfft. This kid's a lightweight.

katemac said...