Sunday, July 19, 2009

Ramble On. And On. And On.

Anybody here watch Channel 7 news? What the hell is going on with their wardrobe people? I am utterly flabbergasted (yes! used it!) that anyone could go wrong dressing someone like Chris Bath. I mean, my god it looks like someone's Nana got the gig in wardrobe. Seriously, she looks like she has turned up to see The Seekers at the local Services Club with the blue-rinse set. Chris Bath is gorgeous and elegant yet someone at Channel 7 seems convinced that puffy blouses, big-ass bows and frilly um,... frills are the way to go. I mean COME ON - it's not rocket surgery!
And poor Sharyn Ghidella and Samantha Armytage look as if they are getting Ms.Bath's hand-me-downs! Seriously, is someone a little jealous of these girls and is trying to make them look bad? I'm telling you - look at Ann Sanders. She always looks beautiful and classy.

Hmmmm......maybe it's her. I'd pay to see that - Ann Sanders vs Chris Bath. Oh yeah.

I'm so sick of the amount of people I encounter who are convinced the bailiff dude on Judge Judy is called "Burt". Um - NO! It's bloody BIRD. Petri-Hawkins Bird. Get it right. I will punch the next person I hear say it - man, woman, child, hippie - I dont care!

I don't like Stephanie Rice. At all. Why are swimmers treated as celebrities? It's not like their sport has any crossover potential - except maybe to becoming a commentator. And we need more of those.

I think that The Ashes, indeed all test cricket should be played until there is a result. Each team gets to bat out BOTH their innings, no matter how long it takes. What's the point of draws? It's like "Oh, we showed up to play but there was rain/poor light/not enough time, so we called it even". You may as well have not played at all. Man, if this was still the only form of the game, there would be no game. And yet they wonder why Twenty20 is so popular.

I read somewhere (I do know where but I won't take aim at YOU, Charlie Pickering!) about how blogging was a waste of time and bloggers were just bored people complaining. Not sure if that's EXACTLY how it was put, but it certainly had a negative vibe to it. I couldn't help but think to myself - isn't writing a weekly column for the print media, attempting to make it witty and funny THE EXACT SAME THING? Why is it any different? Because you're getting paid for doing yours? Makes you a professional somehow? If anything, it would serve to illustrate that the people who aren't getting paid for it would then be more passionate and honest in their views. I would think a comedian would be raiding blogs for material anyway. Ooooh bitchy!

Lastly - you know when you're watching something tragic and have to suppress the urge to laugh hysterically? I felt that way watching MJ dancing with his hair on fire on E!News today. Must have been all that Soul Glo.


katemac said...
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katemac said...

That Charlie Pickering IS a smug little prick,isn't he? I didn't know who you were talking about til I saw him on the 7pm thing Channel 10 have got going on... and I'm not entirely convinced about THAT, either...

And really? You come across a lot of people who talk about Burt... uh,I mean, BIRD?? How does that even come UP?

Robstar said...

I feel sorry for ANYONE who's life doesn't feature with some regularity, a conversation concerning Judge Judy (& Executioner - thankyou Homer!). Puh-lease!

Oh shit, I think I made a wasn't Charlie Pickering, pretty sure now it was his comedy partner Michael Chamberlin. Sorry Chaz. But hey, they worked together - let's paint them with the same brush anyway!