Monday, July 20, 2009


Serial. Does this shock anyone in the known world?


My.... co-contributor has criticised me for posting links, but come ON. One of us has to have time to read the paper, yes?

He's a PARENT. He has a thousand things to do every day that I don't even have to consider.

I, on the other hand, get paid to read the shit that gets posted on every news site in the known world.

We do what we can :)


Robstar said...

Where I live, the paper is like, 5 weeks old by the time it gets here....
Nah, I just don't like the way it simply won't open another tab and you have to navigate back to your commentary.

Robstar said...

Hey what's with the bit? Dot, dot dot wtf? Hmmmm....methinks I smell an unspoken insult. No wait, that's the smell of the new Calvin Klein fragrance, Self Obsession

katemac said...

Hahaha paranoid much? I just didn't want to write "brother", you dick. But now you've gone and made me say it! Our cover is busted!!! :)

Robstar said...

Oh no!!! ;)